Words of Wisdom from Deepak Chopra

February 25, 2011

Recently I had the pleasure of interviewing Deepak Chorpa and asked him for a few words of wisdom that he could share with Job Seekers or anyone looking for a way to reinvent themselves in the current economy.

He was very generous with his words and here is what he had to say!

Interview with Deepak Chopra and Ron Nash:

My thoughts:
Many people may say it’s easy for Deepak to give such advice because he’s already successful. Yes he is very successful and has been for a long time, however, Deepak has had to build his own road to walk on. No one gave him his fame and fortune, he had to build his road stone by stone.

Thus his wisdom is solid and his words powerful. If you take them to heart and apply them you will find the gift that he is giving. Gotham Chopra, his son, wrote a book entitled, “Walking Wisdom”, which I highly encourage you to read. The book gives some amazing insight into world of the Chorpa family as Deepak was building his road. You can find Walking Wisdom on amazon.com or at any bookstore.

If you are interested in living your life based on your dreams and passion and dare to challenge yourself – you can! It is the same road that I travel and the same message that I teach in my coaching. After all, we only have so many heartbeats in our hearts – why not use them to fuel your dreams….

May you live the life that you dream, on earth as it is in heaven…

Ron Nash
www.DreamJobUniversity.com (formerly TheFriendZone.Tv)

How Tony Robbins Sets Goals – Final Review

February 19, 2011

As the late Michael Jackson said, “This is it”, which was a prophetic statement in many ways! That being said, this is it. This is the review of the goal setting seminar. I hope you enjoyed the content, but  more importantly, I hope you are applying it!

My friend Gene is an expert in his field and currently works as a consultant with Tony Robbins and Chet Holmes. Gene teaches individuals how to use the art of persuasion as a sales tool. What does that mean? Every business deal, including “Job Interviewing” is a sales situation, an opportunity to sale yourself. Many of us don’t like to refer to  ourselves as  sales people, but we are!

If you know anything about children, they are some of the best sales people ever! They are relentless and won’t take no for an answer.

Now – let’s review the top distinctions from the past 6 weeks that Gene gave us:

1. Know what you want – decide where you want to go.

o   95% of Americans don’t have written goals.

o   Without aim we drift

o    Reticular Activation System (RAS), part of brain that help convert images to reality.

2. Make sure you’re why is strong enough!

o   When we ask ourselves the right questions, we come up with the best “Why’s”. Why I should have my dream job. Why I need to find a job that I am passionate about? Why I need t o be fulfilled in my career?

3. Take Action – Action is the key!

o   The law of attraction is an amazing thing – it got a lot of attention in the early 2000’s.

o   The biggest thing many people didn’t do was “TAKE ACTION”. It’s one thing to imagine what you want, however, there are physical laws in our universe that require action.

o   Action equals motion, motion equals results!

4. People are rewarded in public for the things they practice the most in private.

o   The best in the world do the hard things behind the scenes so that when they show up they are on!

o   What are you doing in private for your career or job search?

o   Are you doing the things the unsuccessful people don’t do?

o    Are you doing the necessary work – be on the look out, your success may be wearing overalls!

5. You have to Constantly MEASURE YOUR RESULTS!

o   You must use your Sensory Acuity

o    Step out – Reevaluate your – Make the changes

6. Model the best!

o   Find someone that has achieved the outcome you want to achieve.

o   Buy someone a cup of coffee or lunch and interview them on “How they do what they do”.

o   Successful people apply the right information in the right order.

There you have it! This formula is GUARANTEED to create success if you use it. As Gene said, you MUST put the information to use – you must take ACTION in order for the information to pay dividends.

Here is another amazing testimonial from Michael Jordan:

It’s that simple. Now, I’d like to challenge you to use this information in your life over the next week. Create a plan of action and let me know how you are progressing!

• Please post a note to let me know what you think about the information and how you are using it.
• Join my Dream Job University Group on Linkedin.com
•Also visit my new site and let me know what you think! www.DreamJobUniversity.com
• If you’d like to do any of the programs for free – ask your college to purchase a bulk membership to give its students and alumni. After all, you paid a lot for your education – right!

May you live the life that you dream, on earth as it is in heaven…

Ron Nash
www.DreamJobUniversity.com (formerly TheFriendZone.Tv)

How Tony Robbins Sets Goals – Part 6

February 13, 2011

Congratulations, you’re doing it! You’re doing what 95% of American’s don’t do. You’ve taken the time to dream, plan and execute your vision for your life. Now I have to tell you, I’ve always been a dreamer, but when I discovered that dreaming + passion + work = realization of your dreams. It’s that simple, but yet that hard for many.

As I quoted my brother saying, “Success if often times dressed in overalls and looks like work”.

This is the one thing that scares the multitudes away. Somehow, many of us want the easy route to wealth, riches, health and happiness.

Got news for you – there ain’t no sucha thing… As my mom has always said, anything worth having is worth working for. If you get something to easy, you don’t have the same appreciation for it.
So in this pursuit of your dreams, find a way to embrace the challenge, for the reward is even greater than the challenge!

Let’s Review Part 5 – Gene gave us a specific distinction:

• Change your approach!
o Success is the result of good judgment
o Good judgment is the result of experience
o Experience is the result of bad judgment
• Don’t look at the things that didn’t work as a failure – look at them as learning experiences!
• Reframe – Ask yourself, “What is the lesson in this experience that I need to learn”.
o This reframe will change your life my friends!
o Some of the most successful people in the world fail their way to the top!

Ok – it’s now mid February and I’ve had to change my approach on several things so far. I’ve also had to look at goals for the quarter and revise them several times already. Actually, this has allowed me to be more specific in my focus. As long as I accomplish something on the list, I’m moving the ball 10 yards forward. It’s only when I stop and ponder, without motion that I don’t move the ball forward.

Here is one of the greatest examples of someone who has failed their way to the top:

Again, let’s use the KISS technique – Keep It Simple Successfully.

Dream Job University.com – Career Mastery Course – Goal Setting Workshop with Gene McNaughton Part 6:

• Please post a note to let me know what you think about the information and how you are using it.
• Join my Dream Job University Group on Linkedin.com
•Also visit my new site and let me know what you think! www.DreamJobUniversity.com
• If you’d like to do any of the programs for free – ask your college to purchase a bulk membership to give its students and alumni. After all, you paid a lot for your education – right!

May you live the life that you dream, on earth as it is in heaven…

Ron Nash
www.DreamJobUniversity.com (formerly TheFriendZone.Tv)

How Tony Robbins Sets Goals – Part 5

February 6, 2011

We are in the home stretch of the final inning! Again, 95% of America does not do this exercise each year, which means that we are flying in an airplane with no map…. Would you want to do that in real life? Got news for you – this is real life!

Let’s Review Part 4 – Gene gave us a specific distinction:

• You have to Constantly MEASURE YOUR RESULTS!
• You must use your Sensory Acuity
• Step out – Reevaluate your – Make the changes

Gene suggested that as you take action you have to have check points. You must have a way to measure your results.

In my 3 month plan – I’m off to a fast start, however, as life happens I’ve had to step back and reassess my annual outcome several times to ensure that I’m on track for what I want. I’ve had to review my musts and wants.

Goal setting works if you use it right and are HONEST with YOURSELF. Its not enough to write goals without looking at them and measuring your results.

The easiest way to do this is to have an annual goal that you review at least twice per year. But, a set of smaller goals in your overall plan that you assess monthly. This is why I’ve decided to use the quarterly system for measuring my results – don’t get me wrong, I measure weekly and daily on some of my outcomes, but we must give ourselves a chance to try things before we change them!

Again, let’s use the KISS technique – Keep It Simple Successfully.

Dream Job University.com – Career Mastery Course – Goal Setting Workshop with Gene McNaughton Part 5:

• Please post a note to let me know what you think about the information and how you are using it.
• Also visit my new site and let me know what you think! www.DreamJobUniversity.com
• If you’d like to do any of the programs for free – ask your college to purchase a bulk membership to give its students and alumnus. After all, you paid a lot for your education – right!

May you live the life that you dream, on earth as it is in heaven…

Ron Nash

www.DreamJobUniversity.com (formerly TheFriendZone.Tv)

What’s your Story?

May 28, 2010

Ok, this is going to be short, but sweet! I had a conversation with a good friend of mine recently and the conversation triggered my awareness to something that is LIFE CHANGING IMPORTANT! Often times in life we have two modes; that of feeling good or great, and that of not feeling good (some would call that state feeling bad).

In our conversation, I made a huge distinction and that is, often time when we are feeling good or great it’s because our INTERNAL STORY that we are telling ourselves is a good story. Good feelings emanate, the sun is shining and there’s not a worry in the world.

However, when our INTERNAL STORY is not so good or (bad), we have the tendency to focus on what’s going wrong, how things aren’t working, how we are running out of cash, how bad the job market is, how the world is going to end by 2012…. You get the point.

This is all driven by our INTERNAL DIALOGUE. I go into more detail on this topic and the psychology of why this occurs in my book, “How to Find Your Dream Job, Even in A Recession”.

Anyway, the morale to this STORY is that I hope you are now aware of the stories you are telling yourself each day – this is the one thing that determines how you feel and WHAT YOU GET OUT OF LIFE EVERYDAY.

Until we meet again.

Ron Nash
Master Career Strategist
http://www.The Friend Zone.TV
“If you’re not a Friend, you’re just another job seeker”

How to Use Linkedin to Find Your Dream Job

April 28, 2010

Ok, if you were on my call on Monday, you’ll know that I cover some of these points! Actually, I didn’t have enough time to cover lots of them so I thought I’d blog about them to give you a little more information.  Feel free to reach out to me with any questions that you might have!

  1. Let’s Start with a Perfect Profile
  • Elements of a complete profile
    • Upload a picture: Make this a professional headshot – nothing inappropriate! Nothing Blurry or Weird – No Artistic Statement for us artists
    • Summary: When writing the summary it might be useful for you to keep in mind the following: If someone were introducing you to another person, what would you want this person to know about you and why?
    • Descriptions about past jobs: This will help viewers understand where you come from in more depth than your summary will.
      • Treat this as your online CV – the easiest way to complete this section is to cut and paste sections of your CV, to ensure it includes a good number of keywords.
      • Use bullet points.
      • Include any contract work, non-profit assignments, or any other work experience.
      • Education: Start at Secondary and Undergraduate education. You can also list vocational education or any courses you have attended.
      • Profile is limited to 2000 characters which is more than enough if you use bullet points and concise statements.
      • Have more than 30 contacts: This shows viewers of your profile that you are professional and that you know how to network. Also, by increasing the number of people you are connected to, you increase the likelihood of people viewing your profile.
      • Recommendations: Sometimes, what other people write about you is more valuable that what you write about yourself. A good way to get recommendations is to recommend other people. Recommendations don’t necessarily have to come from people who work above you.
      • Customize your URL: This will help your profile rank higher on Google and make it easier for people to find you. Your LinkedIn URL should appear as “http://linkedin.com/in/yourfullname.”
      • Create a 100% Complete Profile
      • Empty Profiles give the impression that you don’t care
        • Have you ever gone to a blog or a website that hasn’t been updated in a while? How did it make you feel?
      • Profile Should be search engine optimize (SRO – Search Resume Optimized)
        • Linkedin utilizes technology for keyword searching so your profile should be optimized for this.
        • You should include as many key words in your profile as possible, bullet points are a great opportunity to do this.
        • The Specialty Section at the end of your profile is your real keyword string in Linkedin – you can find out what keywords come up frequently by searching Google for them.
        • Your Resume should be optimized for this as well – I cover this in more detail in my intensive course.
    • Connections
      • How many connections do you have?
      • People with More than twenty connections are thirty four times more likely to be approached with a job opportunity than people with less than five (In our survey we found that everyone who responded, the least was 16 and the highest was 300+) How many do you think I have?
    • Recommendations
      • How many do you have?
      • How many do you think I have? I currently have 60 people who have endorsed me – If you did one of our exercises you’ll know what people are saying about my coaching and coaching system – they speak volumes for me so that I don’t have to sell you anything.
      • Why you should have them
        • They’re like reference checks before you even apply
        • It’s someone endorsing your work to the public
      • How to get them
      • Finally be sure your profile AND resume are error free! If you need to hire a professional service for this – it’s worth the money!

Needless to say that I have a lot more to say on this subject and don’t want to overwhelm you all at once, so stay tuned for my next weeks blog which will cover more on “How to Use Linkedin to Find Your Dream Job”.

Ron Nash
Dream Job Strategist
“If you’re not a Friend, you’re just another job seeker”

No Plan, No Goals, No Vision!!!

April 10, 2010

Ok, if you’ve followed me at all, you’ll know that I am way overdue for a blog! In fact, this is my first blog in 2010 and we’re already in April, OMG!!!

Now, you may or may not ask, what happened and where have you been. So the short story is, that I’ve been resting my brain and getting refocused. The long story is more interesting.

For any of you who know me or have seen me speak, you’ll know that I’m fairly energetic (without coffee). I usually have my goals set and my vision in focus by December of every year so that I can come into the New Year kickin’ butt and taking names.

But, not this year, actually, it’s the first time in almost 15 years that I haven’t done my usual process… Why? Because I needed rest. In 2008 I wrote my first book, “How to Find Your Dream Job, Even in a Recession” and built the e-learning system that accompanies the book all in the same year!

In 2009, I started the process of marketing and speaking to promote my efforts. I spent an entire year learning more about social media marketing, being on radio shows and travelling to speak at any place that would have me. Mind you, I did all of this while volunteering at my kids school, cleaning house, doing laundry (including folding), cooking, shopping and being a good husband (my wife gets a cup of tea in bed everyday – during the week and Saturday’s).

What does all this have to do with goals or plans? A lot. Here’s what I noticed has been going on with myself. After re-inventing myself due to the market change and life changes necessary, I had to create a whole new direction for my career, which was documented in my book.

At the end of this two your extensive process, I’ve need to rejuvenate, which is a natural process for all living things. The challenge is that many times we do not honor the body and it’s need to rejuvenate, thus, we continue forcing ourselves to keep going. The story that we have to make money is one of the biggest things we tell ourselves to keep us moving.

Truth be told is that when you need to rest the brain and or the body, it has a way to get your attention. Sometimes they even make us sick in order to get our attention so that we’ll slow down a little. When that happens, the money story becomes null and void – you must slow down and rejuvenate.

We’ll here it is April 11th and while I’ve been rejuvenating, I’ve still been actively involved in re-visioning my life. This is part of the dream job vision process that I teach in my online course. Yes, even I have to do what I teach and it works!

So far this year, I’ve worked with Mr. Cesar Millan (Dog Whisperer), Don Miguel Ruiz (Author of The Four Agreements and The Fifth Agreement), Carlos Santana, Eckhart Tolle, and some others.

I only say this to let you know that my dreams are also important as I blaze the trail to help people achieve their dreams, even in a down economy.

So, as I rejuvenate and recalibrate, my new vision is starting to arise from the rest that I’ve allowed and my goals are starting to make sense again. So the moral of this story is, it’s ok to not set goals or have a plan; sometimes its necessary to listen to your internal voice, which is your instinctual self.

Take time to listen to that voice daily; it’s truly a gift from the universe that many of us don’t utilize, but it is your compass in life if you honor it. My friend Cesar Millan speaks about the Instinctual nature of people in all of his books and in his work as The Dog Whisperer, I encourage you to listen to what he has to say, because it’s not just about dogs.

Ron Nash
Dream Job Strategist
“If you’re not a Friend, you’re just another job seeker”

How to use Twitter to find your Dream Job

September 27, 2009

My natural question to you is what is a dream job?
In my book, “How to find your dream job, even in a recession” I outline a dream job as being similar to a square; I call it the Euclidean Career Square – Dream Job Formula

Here are 5 strategies on how I recommend using Twitter to find your Dream Job!

Step One:
Create a FREE account on Tweetmyjobs.com.
• Go to www.Tweetmyjobs.com and follow the 5 steps on the user interface; this will help you begin utilizing the power of twitter.

• Create a professional profile; HR Professionals are paying closer attention to job seekers social media appearances – this can work for you or against you; be smart about how you want to be perceived. Use this link www.twitterbacks.com for ideas on creating a professional-looking Twitter background, including side bar identification information. You may also want your online resume or blog to be listed as a link on your Twitter Profile.

Step Two:
Create a targeted search.

• Create a list of 50 target companies by using;

o Twitter search (search.twitter.com) facility to search for opportunities all over twitter – type in the key words (for example ‘cardinal health’) and you will be able to see who what opening positions cardinal has.

o Twitter search (search.twitter.com) to search specific job opportunities, i.e. Marketing Vacancy

The great thing about Twitter is that you can you can subscribe to receive updates so you can get updates of people talking about opportunities; this can help you create new relationships with people in your industry.

Here are some additional tools for job searches on twitter:

TwitterJobSearch.com is a job search engine that searches Twitter for jobs that match the keywords that you enter.

JobShouts.com is a free resource for both employers and job seekers. Employers can post their jobs for free; those jobs are then automatically “tweeted” to users on Twitter.

JobAngels.org started with the objective of asking those who could to help one person find a job.

Many other companies have a corporate presence on Twitter. Search by the company name to find them.

Twitter Name Search

Twellow Twitter Yellow Pages

Step Three:
Use my Linkedin Strategy at this point!!!
I recommend that you to listen to my previous two highly acclaimed episodes “How to Use LinkedIn like a Headhunter I & II. Go to www.Blogtalkradio.com/thecareercatalyst.com. This is a crucial piece of my Twitter Dream Job strategy!

Most importantly, use these strategies in tandem – do one with the other in both directions. i.e. Find companies on Twitter and search Linkedin, visa, versa. This will help you to find profiles of people inside of companies that you can develop rapport and deeper relationships with.

Step Four:
Go to www.TheFriendZoneTV.com

• Go to the menu bar and click on Twitter Tab

• Follow me on Twitter (Career Zone)

Step Five:
Nurture your network by sharing knowledge and resources
Again, don’t be a taker, be a giver! Twitter provides an amazing opportunity to show that you have expert knowledge and skills make sure there is a balance between what you Tweet and providing tips or resources sharing your professional knowledge. Use this opportunity to participate in strategic Twitter conversations and rapport! You only have 140 characters to achieve this with; be very concise. Consider using a Tiny URL to direct individuals to longer posts – www.TinyUrl.com.

Ron Nash
Master Career Strategist
“If you’re not a Friend, you’re just another job seeker”

Fear of the 400 Pound Phone and your Job Search!

August 25, 2009

Ok – As many of you know, this is a very challenging economy and as I’ve stated a number of times, this time your job search requires thinking “out of the box”. But what does that mean? For MANY of you, your job search consists of going to Monster.com, Careerbuilder.com, or a company’s website to apply. And after a certain amount of time with little or no result, you become frustrated. You then say that “there are no jobs out there”. And like ever other “in the box” job seeker does – you give up….At this point, settling for anything becomes your default; because you never did the work.

The interesting thing about your job search is that you are closer to having results than you may think, you just need a 2 millimeter shift in how you think. What I mean is that instead of just looking on Monster and Career Builder, you can use other resources such as Linkedin.com – check out my blog on Social Networks as well as the menu bar on my website under “Career Resources”.
You see, the biggest challenge that most job seekers have is what I want to call “Fear of the 400 Pound Phone” (I’ll credit Matt Bud for that term). Yes, phone call reluctance is the NUMBER ONE KILLER of job seekers.

I’ve spent the last 15 years of my life on the phone as a professional Headhunter. I’ve seen many people come and go in my profession. The one’s who made it are the one’s who didn’t mind dialing (don’t get me wrong – you have to have some other skills to be successful in headhunter) and doing the heavy lifting!
Many job seekers are afraid of picking up the phone and doing the heavy lifting or making the phone calls.

5 Top Reasons for Phone-a-phobia:
1. Fear of not knowing what to say; and that you’ll embarrass yourself.
2. Fear of Rejection, that someone will not be interested.
3. Fear of talking to someone you don’t know; many people don’t know how to build rapport with strangers.
4. Fear that will blow a potential lead and can never go back!
5. Fear that you won’t be successful in your attempt to network or find a job.

Ok – there are probably more that I can mention, but the truth is that these are all things that can be overcome quite easily. How????? Yes, that’s the question of the day. By doing one simple thing. PREPARING!
As a headhunter, one of the things that has led to my continued success is preparing for the task at hand.

5 Cures for Phone-a-phobia:
1. Prepare a list of potential clients (50 companies)
2. Have a list of prepared questions.
3. Have your 15 second elevator pitch ready.
4. Have your resume ready (professionally written or critiqued is a must).
5. Have a phone script ready. (I provide one in my FREE book!)
6. Have a regiment that you stick to – this requires discipline and accountability!

Just like a golf swing, the more you do it the better you get. Maybe a better analogy is walking – when you were a baby, you didn’t know how to walk, but you kept trying – look at you know!

I recommend that you listen to my “How to use Linkedin like a Headhunter” audio FREE @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/thecareercatalyst. You can also download my book for FREE for a limited time. My site has a ton of valuable information that you can use.

The winds of life are always blowing, it is you who must raise the sails!

Ron Nash
Master Career Strategist
“If you’re not a Friend, You’re just another job seeker

Action creats Motion and Motion creates Results!

August 19, 2009

Ok – some of you are saying this Ron Nash guy always writes very philosophical blogs. Well, you’re right, I’m a philosopher – philos means Love and sophia means wisdom. Get it – philos sophia – philosophy….Love of Wisdom. Which brings me to my story. I had a wonderful conversation with an outstanding friend of mine whom I’ve known for almost 15 years. She told me about how she was laid off 3 months ago and how no one was responding to her resume through Monster, Career Builder and by directly applying to companies through their websites.

In fact, she told me that one position she applied to online had over 435 applicants! There is little chance of being seen in that type of cattle call. The cool thing about what we discussed was her ability to think ‘out of the box’. She told me that she finally got tired of having NO RESULTS and decided to learn to use Linkedin. After her crash course she performed searches for anyone that she had worked with in the past who might lead her to another connection.

She finally found a person she worked for in the past but had not way of contacting here, because the Linkedin profile was not updated (always keep your profile updated, you never know how it will help!). However, Linkedin provided enough information for her to dig a little deeper and track this person down at another company. She used some of the same strategies that I talk about on my FREE audio, “How to use Linkedin like a Headhunter“. My friend was able to make a connection which led to two interviews almost immediately by working her “FRIEND NETWORK”.

Because her friend recommended her, things are moving FAST! She immediately was able to create an with the CEO and VP of HR, that’s a story worth telling. I only tell this story to illustrate the idea that you MUST have ACTION which creates MOTION and the natural by product is RESULTS! If you follow the steps in my Linkedin strategy, you WILL produce results – it’s that simple.

I encourage you to think outside of YOUR box and to try things you haven’t tried before. There is an old friend or new friend out there waiting to help you find your dream job.

Remember my mantra – “If you’re not a friend, you’re just another job seeker!

Ron Nash
Master Career Strategist
Author of “How to Find Your Dream Job, Even in a Recession”