The Word FREE and the Many Meanings!

July 22, 2009

In this time of economic re-arrangement, there are a number of people being affected from home owners to job seekers. There are also a ton of people preying on the victims of this economy to make a profit. There was a company out of Los Angeles called Montgomery Capital who took a cool 10k from me in my mortgage ordeal, with no service and ultimately no real benefit to me, other than the lesson I learned, which was a God send. However, I got passed it and have been able to maintain my integrity and keep my family out of harms way, which is what we all want to do ultimately.

I’ve seen a ton of FREE offers and have noticed that many of the FREE offers have a catch to them, which ultimately lead to people paying lots of money for services or products that may or may not have value. But how does one decide where to spend one’s money? That’s not an easy question.

I’ve possed a few questions that may be useful in your decision making that may help.

1. Is there is a trial for the product or service with a money back guarantee?
2. How long is the FREE trial?
3. Is the trial long enough to make a decision on the product or service?
4. Are there any cancellation fees tha occur upon discontinuing the FREE trial?
5. Are there any credible references or testimonials that you can see or verify?
6. Do you know anyone who has had luck with the product or service?
7. How long has the product or service been around?
8. How much money does the product or service really cost, i.e. are there any other hidden fees?
9. Are there any guarantees beyond the legal 30 day guarantee?
10. Is this product or service something that you can’t find on your own?

Keep in mind that this is America and we are based in a capitalistic philosophy, so there is nothing wrong with charging for a product or service – the biggest challenge we face in America and on especially on the internet is that we don’t know who we are doing business with. There are so many offers and people marketing to us, until we don’t know who’s being genuine as opposed to who’s trying to get our money.

The truth is that the internet is filled with lots of free things that are truly, “Free”. You just have to do the work and dig a little, there are a ton of things that can help you in your job search, Google and some of the other browsers have made it easier to gather information than at any other time in history. The other challenge is that there is too much information coming at you…

Here is a goldeng nugget I’ve discovered!

There is another site I’d like to share with you that was designed by a job seeker for the sake of providing tools and resources to other job seekers – he makes no money from this and collects no advertising dollars – he is doing this to help himself and others! That’s what I call giving back. The site is His name is Kenrick Chatman and his show is called the Career Catalyst. He interviews a ton of guests who are experts in their fields (me being one of them). These are usually people who are published and have a track record with measurable credibility and results. I encourage you to have a look at the site and links he recommends – they are purely designed to be FREE resource for anyone who is conducting a career search.

Ron Nash

Master Career Strategist/Author “How to Find Your Dream Job, Even in a Recession”
“If you’re not a Friend, You’re just another Job Seeker”

July 21, 2009

Learn my secrets to using Linkedin like a headhunter on the Career Factory Show, today Tues 7/21 @ 6pm PST