Are You Honoring Yourself?

July 16, 2010

Are you honoring yourself?

I would like to ask you to ponder this very serious question. In this current economy with the challenges that are all around us, are you still honoring yourself? You may ask, what does that mean?

Here’s a story that may help illustrate my point. I had a wonderful conversation with my wife, Michelle the other day about an art workshop that she attended. She and small group of artists have attended this once per year for the past 4 years at a private residence. The interesting thing is that many of the people who attended this year had not seen my wife, Michelle Matisse, in four years since she’d created her first ‘real’ painting.

When my wife Michelle had left our house on the way to the workshop, she was not in a very enthusiastic mood about her painting career. In fact, she was a little down because she has a day job, which she loves, but that is not her passion, this is a common story amongst us artist types!

The funny thing is that over the past four years, she’s been extremely busy and motivated getting her art “business” up and running. Michelle has been painting, teaching workshops, attending workshops around the world, posting lots of new art on Facebook and her own website ( She’s really been applying herself 110 percent, in addition to having a day job, 2 loving children, with 2 cats (Yin and Yang) and a Yorkie (Buda), and a husband! For those of you who have a life outside of your day job, you’ll definitely appreciate this!

She’s also been in major self re-invention mode, which is the fuel for all of this. But in all that she’s been doing, it’s hard to see one’s own self and self accomplishments. So when she arrived at this workshop, she was greeted as a celebrity – which was completely shocking to her, but the interesting thing is that when you are busy doing the work and promoting yourself, you don’t often see what others see, because you are too busy in the trenches doing the work.

The great thing about this story is that the universe knows exactly what we need when we need it. Needless to say, the amazing reception Michelle experienced helped her to take a few moments to honor herself and the work she has been doing tirelessly over that past many years.

The truth is that the work never stops! There’s never a point when you stop and say to yourself, I have it all…. And if you ever do that, it’s only for a moment, because having it all requires a lot of work!!!
So for those of you who are in the world experience the ebb and flow of life and maybe not feeling as good about yourself due to life’s challenges as you have felt in the past, I share this story with you because my wife’s truth helped me to take a moment to honor myself just by her sharing the gift of her story with me.

May you find healing in these words…

Ron Nash
Master Career Strategist

“Changing the Paradigm for Job Seekers”

What’s your Story?

May 28, 2010

Ok, this is going to be short, but sweet! I had a conversation with a good friend of mine recently and the conversation triggered my awareness to something that is LIFE CHANGING IMPORTANT! Often times in life we have two modes; that of feeling good or great, and that of not feeling good (some would call that state feeling bad).

In our conversation, I made a huge distinction and that is, often time when we are feeling good or great it’s because our INTERNAL STORY that we are telling ourselves is a good story. Good feelings emanate, the sun is shining and there’s not a worry in the world.

However, when our INTERNAL STORY is not so good or (bad), we have the tendency to focus on what’s going wrong, how things aren’t working, how we are running out of cash, how bad the job market is, how the world is going to end by 2012…. You get the point.

This is all driven by our INTERNAL DIALOGUE. I go into more detail on this topic and the psychology of why this occurs in my book, “How to Find Your Dream Job, Even in A Recession”.

Anyway, the morale to this STORY is that I hope you are now aware of the stories you are telling yourself each day – this is the one thing that determines how you feel and WHAT YOU GET OUT OF LIFE EVERYDAY.

Until we meet again.

Ron Nash
Master Career Strategist
http://www.The Friend Zone.TV
“If you’re not a Friend, you’re just another job seeker”

How to use Twitter to find your Dream Job

September 27, 2009

My natural question to you is what is a dream job?
In my book, “How to find your dream job, even in a recession” I outline a dream job as being similar to a square; I call it the Euclidean Career Square – Dream Job Formula

Here are 5 strategies on how I recommend using Twitter to find your Dream Job!

Step One:
Create a FREE account on
• Go to and follow the 5 steps on the user interface; this will help you begin utilizing the power of twitter.

• Create a professional profile; HR Professionals are paying closer attention to job seekers social media appearances – this can work for you or against you; be smart about how you want to be perceived. Use this link for ideas on creating a professional-looking Twitter background, including side bar identification information. You may also want your online resume or blog to be listed as a link on your Twitter Profile.

Step Two:
Create a targeted search.

• Create a list of 50 target companies by using;

o Twitter search ( facility to search for opportunities all over twitter – type in the key words (for example ‘cardinal health’) and you will be able to see who what opening positions cardinal has.

o Twitter search ( to search specific job opportunities, i.e. Marketing Vacancy

The great thing about Twitter is that you can you can subscribe to receive updates so you can get updates of people talking about opportunities; this can help you create new relationships with people in your industry.

Here are some additional tools for job searches on twitter: is a job search engine that searches Twitter for jobs that match the keywords that you enter.

JobShouts is a free resource for both employers and job seekers. Employers can post their jobs for free; those jobs are then automatically “tweeted” to users on Twitter.

JobAngels started with the objective of asking those who could to help one person find a job.

Many other companies have a corporate presence on Twitter. Search by the company name to find them.

Twitter Name Search

Twellow Twitter Yellow Pages

Step Three:
Use my Linkedin Strategy at this point!!!
I recommend that you to listen to my previous two highly acclaimed episodes “How to Use LinkedIn like a Headhunter I & II. Go to This is a crucial piece of my Twitter Dream Job strategy!

Most importantly, use these strategies in tandem – do one with the other in both directions. i.e. Find companies on Twitter and search Linkedin, visa, versa. This will help you to find profiles of people inside of companies that you can develop rapport and deeper relationships with.

Step Four:
Go to

• Go to the menu bar and click on Twitter Tab

• Follow me on Twitter (Career Zone)

Step Five:
Nurture your network by sharing knowledge and resources
Again, don’t be a taker, be a giver! Twitter provides an amazing opportunity to show that you have expert knowledge and skills make sure there is a balance between what you Tweet and providing tips or resources sharing your professional knowledge. Use this opportunity to participate in strategic Twitter conversations and rapport! You only have 140 characters to achieve this with; be very concise. Consider using a Tiny URL to direct individuals to longer posts –

Ron Nash
Master Career Strategist
“If you’re not a Friend, you’re just another job seeker”

Fear of the 400 Pound Phone and your Job Search!

August 25, 2009

Ok – As many of you know, this is a very challenging economy and as I’ve stated a number of times, this time your job search requires thinking “out of the box”. But what does that mean? For MANY of you, your job search consists of going to,, or a company’s website to apply. And after a certain amount of time with little or no result, you become frustrated. You then say that “there are no jobs out there”. And like ever other “in the box” job seeker does – you give up….At this point, settling for anything becomes your default; because you never did the work.

The interesting thing about your job search is that you are closer to having results than you may think, you just need a 2 millimeter shift in how you think. What I mean is that instead of just looking on Monster and Career Builder, you can use other resources such as – check out my blog on Social Networks as well as the menu bar on my website under “Career Resources”.
You see, the biggest challenge that most job seekers have is what I want to call “Fear of the 400 Pound Phone” (I’ll credit Matt Bud for that term). Yes, phone call reluctance is the NUMBER ONE KILLER of job seekers.

I’ve spent the last 15 years of my life on the phone as a professional Headhunter. I’ve seen many people come and go in my profession. The one’s who made it are the one’s who didn’t mind dialing (don’t get me wrong – you have to have some other skills to be successful in headhunter) and doing the heavy lifting!
Many job seekers are afraid of picking up the phone and doing the heavy lifting or making the phone calls.

5 Top Reasons for Phone-a-phobia:
1. Fear of not knowing what to say; and that you’ll embarrass yourself.
2. Fear of Rejection, that someone will not be interested.
3. Fear of talking to someone you don’t know; many people don’t know how to build rapport with strangers.
4. Fear that will blow a potential lead and can never go back!
5. Fear that you won’t be successful in your attempt to network or find a job.

Ok – there are probably more that I can mention, but the truth is that these are all things that can be overcome quite easily. How????? Yes, that’s the question of the day. By doing one simple thing. PREPARING!
As a headhunter, one of the things that has led to my continued success is preparing for the task at hand.

5 Cures for Phone-a-phobia:
1. Prepare a list of potential clients (50 companies)
2. Have a list of prepared questions.
3. Have your 15 second elevator pitch ready.
4. Have your resume ready (professionally written or critiqued is a must).
5. Have a phone script ready. (I provide one in my FREE book!)
6. Have a regiment that you stick to – this requires discipline and accountability!

Just like a golf swing, the more you do it the better you get. Maybe a better analogy is walking – when you were a baby, you didn’t know how to walk, but you kept trying – look at you know!

I recommend that you listen to my “How to use Linkedin like a Headhunter” audio FREE @ You can also download my book for FREE for a limited time. My site has a ton of valuable information that you can use.

The winds of life are always blowing, it is you who must raise the sails!

Ron Nash
Master Career Strategist
“If you’re not a Friend, You’re just another job seeker

The Power of Social Networking and Finding Your Dream Job

August 23, 2009

Social networks are being referred to a a new phenomenon, however, the interesting thing is that social networks are as old as people. According to Wiki – A social network is a social structure made of individuals (or organizations) called “nodes,” which are tied (connected) by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as friendship, kinship, financial exchange, dislike, sexual relationships, or relationships of beliefs, knowledge or prestige.. Thus, we’ve created these types of social networks for as long as amoeba had the ability to have amoebae…..

The new kid on the block that everyone is excited about is called, Internet Social Network. The beautiful thing about internet social networks is that they connect many more people easier than the old fashion networks where people have to be physically present to take advantage of them. Cyber space and internet connectivity has created the ability for us to have “Super Nodes” and groups of people all over the world for the first time EVER, who can connect and communicate on any topic for any reason. This is something that has far reaching implications and benefits!

There are many flavors of social networks on the internet from Dating to Orchid Growing. The one’s that i’d like to refer to are “Professional Social Networks”. These are the ones that I use and focus on to build relationships to help job seekers and employers meet each other. The one’s that I am intimately familar with are on my website; http://www.TheFriendZone.Tv and I highly recommend you join them if you are a job seeker.

Six Social Networking Sites I recommend:
1. LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a popular networking site where alumni, business associates, recent graduates and other professionals connect online. (I have over 15 million people in this network that I’m officially connected to – you can probably find a job in my network alone)

2. Plaxo: Join Plaxo to organize your contacts and stay updated with feeds from Digg,, and more. Plaxo has recently added a social network look and feel to there site with the addition of a ‘Jobs’ catagory.

3. Facebook: Facebook is no longer just for college kids who want to post their party pics. Businesses vie for advertising opportunities, event promotion and more on this social-networking site.

4. Twitter: a very new phenomenon that is one of the fast growing social networks that utilizes the ability to micro-blog messages. Many recruiters and headhunters are using this service to post positions for job seekers!

5. Youtube: Interesting addition to my list here, however, Youtube has some PHENOMENAL resources for job seekers that will expidite the learning experience and connect you with some amazing people when used correctly.

6. Visual CV: This is a really new comer to the world, with a focus on the Visual CV or Resume. This is a multi-media way of presenting yourself to the world in a way that is only possible due to the internet.

These Six tools alone have hundreds of millions of connections associated with them and have the ability to turn your job search into a laser beam targeted campaign.

Now here’s the question of the year – Do you know how to use Internet Social Networks to Find Your Dream Job?

Most job seekers don’t really understand the power of these profesional social networks, because they are fairly new, but most importantly, because they don’t have to. I’ve been a professional headhunter and business strategist for years and my salary has depended learning these technologies, so my motivation has been higher than many. Although as a result of the current economic environment, I’m sure that there are many job seekers who are having to learn aproaches that they have never thought about – which is why I’m sharing with you.

Therefore, here is what you will need to do to learn some of my secrets:
1. Go to my website (www.TheFriendzone.Tv)
2. Link to me on all of them – I have very mature networks.
3. Download my FREE book, “How to Find Your Dream Job Even in a Recession” – Selling on for $35.00 – My investment in you!
4.View my video training course on “The Power of Social Networks – How to Use Linkedin Like a Headhunter”. This is in the Dream Job Online Coaching System.
5. Go to and take advantage of the FREE information that is being given to anyone who wants it!

That’s it for now – I don’t want to overwhelm you too much, however there is a lot of work to do if you want to get up to speed. Also, be sure to contact me if you have any questions or need any help!

Looking forward,

Ron Nash
Master Career Strategist
“If you’re not a Friend, you’re just another Job Seeker”

Apply Where Your Passion Is…

August 6, 2009

A friend of mine is an amazing artist and has had no luck selling her art during this down economy. She’s been applying for any type of jobs to earn income, but has had no luck. In fact at the age of forty something she’s had to move back home with her 70 year old mom – that doesn’t feel good for the ego!

She told me her story the other day while dropping my son off from a play date. I asked her the magic question, “If you could do anything that you imagined, what would you do?”, naturally she replied, “Be an artist!” I then asked the second magic question, “Why are you applying to places that don’t nurture your artist personality?” She then said, “because I need the money”.

Hmmmm – many of us use the MONEY reason for us not following our passions and as a result, we never live the life we dream….That’s what I call, “The thief in the dark mentality“, it robs you of your dreams without you even knowing.

Ok – I then suggested something to her. Why don’t you make a list of every art supply store within a 30 mile radius (or commutable distance) and go to every large and small store to apply for a job. BING, BING, BING, BING!!!! Her eyes lite up and she said, “I’ve never thought about doing anything like that!”. I then said, “that’s what I do – I help create strategies for people.”

She is now creating a list of companies and following a very simple plan that will lead to her working in the field she is passionate about.

The End.

What is your passion, and what is your story? Are you using the Thief in the Dark Mentality, or is your story supporting your dreams?

Ron Nash
Master Career Strategist/Author of “How to Find Your Dream Job, Even in a Recession”
http://www.The Friend Zone.Tv
“If you’re not a friend, you’re just another job seeker!”

The Word FREE and the Many Meanings!

July 22, 2009

In this time of economic re-arrangement, there are a number of people being affected from home owners to job seekers. There are also a ton of people preying on the victims of this economy to make a profit. There was a company out of Los Angeles called Montgomery Capital who took a cool 10k from me in my mortgage ordeal, with no service and ultimately no real benefit to me, other than the lesson I learned, which was a God send. However, I got passed it and have been able to maintain my integrity and keep my family out of harms way, which is what we all want to do ultimately.

I’ve seen a ton of FREE offers and have noticed that many of the FREE offers have a catch to them, which ultimately lead to people paying lots of money for services or products that may or may not have value. But how does one decide where to spend one’s money? That’s not an easy question.

I’ve possed a few questions that may be useful in your decision making that may help.

1. Is there is a trial for the product or service with a money back guarantee?
2. How long is the FREE trial?
3. Is the trial long enough to make a decision on the product or service?
4. Are there any cancellation fees tha occur upon discontinuing the FREE trial?
5. Are there any credible references or testimonials that you can see or verify?
6. Do you know anyone who has had luck with the product or service?
7. How long has the product or service been around?
8. How much money does the product or service really cost, i.e. are there any other hidden fees?
9. Are there any guarantees beyond the legal 30 day guarantee?
10. Is this product or service something that you can’t find on your own?

Keep in mind that this is America and we are based in a capitalistic philosophy, so there is nothing wrong with charging for a product or service – the biggest challenge we face in America and on especially on the internet is that we don’t know who we are doing business with. There are so many offers and people marketing to us, until we don’t know who’s being genuine as opposed to who’s trying to get our money.

The truth is that the internet is filled with lots of free things that are truly, “Free”. You just have to do the work and dig a little, there are a ton of things that can help you in your job search, Google and some of the other browsers have made it easier to gather information than at any other time in history. The other challenge is that there is too much information coming at you…

Here is a goldeng nugget I’ve discovered!

There is another site I’d like to share with you that was designed by a job seeker for the sake of providing tools and resources to other job seekers – he makes no money from this and collects no advertising dollars – he is doing this to help himself and others! That’s what I call giving back. The site is His name is Kenrick Chatman and his show is called the Career Catalyst. He interviews a ton of guests who are experts in their fields (me being one of them). These are usually people who are published and have a track record with measurable credibility and results. I encourage you to have a look at the site and links he recommends – they are purely designed to be FREE resource for anyone who is conducting a career search.

Ron Nash

Master Career Strategist/Author “How to Find Your Dream Job, Even in a Recession”
“If you’re not a Friend, You’re just another Job Seeker”

I’m giving my book and coaching system away for FREE!!!

May 31, 2009

Greetings Friends!

I have decided to give my book and system away for FREE! My book, “How to Find Your Dream Job, Even in a Recession” is currently selling on for $35.00!!!

In fact, I’ve decided to give you another gift; a free 3 day membership into my “Dream Job Online Coaching System”, in addition to the FREE e-book. You’ll understand why this is important when you’re inside The Friend Zone!

Follow these simple steps:

Step 1: go to http://www.TheFriendzone.Tv website, Go to the ENROLL NOW BUTTON (RED ONE)

Step 2: Choose the FREE 3 –Day Membership

Step 3: Follow the Directions – Create your Username and Password

Step 4: Login to the Membership Area and Download the FREE E-BOOK

Step 5: JOIN ALL OF MY SOCIAL NETWORKS!!! – I HAVE MILLIONS OF CONNECTIONS (You can find a job in my network alone)

Step 6: Be sure to Listen to the Audio First, then Read the Daily Lesson, then watch the Video (if appropriate)

Step 7:send an email to and say – Yes I want a FREE COACHING SESSION!!!

STEP 8: PAY IT FORWARD PLEASE!!! This is a limited offer… Do it today.

I am truly here to help!

Ron Nash

Master Career Strategist

Author of, “How to Find Your Dream Job, Even in a Recession”


“If you’re not a friend, you’re just another job seeker”

What is a Dream Job?

May 27, 2009

You might think that finding a dream job is pie in the sky, especially in the current economy…. But let me ask you this,

* Do you know what a dream job is?

Does the term Dream Job translate to something out of reach and unattainable to you? Why? Have you ever sat down and really defined Dream Job in your own terms?

In my book, “How to Find Your Dream Job, Even in a Recession”, I outline a formula which I call the Euclidean Career Square. This career square is a practical outline that is designed to take the mystery out of The Dream Job. Using the analogy of a square here is my formula:

Euclidean Career Square – Dream Job Formula

1. At the top of the square is the People side. Often, you spend more time working then you spend with family. Consequently, it is important that you not only like but love the people with whom you work.
2. The bottom side represents Money; You MUST make enough money to sustain yourself, or you will eventually leave, even if you love the people.
3. The right side represents Growth; one of the six basic human needs. If there is no opportunity for healthy growth, the roots of a plant will become tangled and kill the plant.
4. The left side represents Work/Life Balance; If you love the people, money and have growth but no balance, you WILL experience discomfort in some part of your life, i.e. health, relationship, happiness, etc.

Dream jobs are achievable. The problem is most people spend more time thinking about what they hate about their jobs, versus, what they love. If you use the Dream Job Formula as a basis for establishing what you want, you’ll not only know what your Dream Job is, you will find it!

Ron Nash
Master Career Strategist

Secrets of Successful People – Tip #70 It might get worse before it gets better!

March 30, 2009

It might get worse before it gets better! The economic times that we are now facing are different than any other in our NEW American history. In fact, this is a more challenging time than the great depression according to Mr. David Gergen, Professor of Public Services, Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. The fact is, we’ve gone a long time in the sunshine here in America – yes, milk and honey has been tasty, but the time reinvent ourselves and our pride has come. We must do the heavy lifting again! Our forefathers who had to live in the post depression era did the lifting and made it through. In fact, the era created people who valued life and family more than things. There is something to be said about struggle. One of my sayings is that, “Weight builds muscles and challenges build character”.

Every generation since the great depression, our forefathers have wanted to make it easier for the next generation – but someone has to do the work. When times get tough, successful people focus on success, not failure. In the movie Apollo 13, when the spacecraft was having challenges coming back into our atmosphere, one of my favorite lines in the movie is, ““With all due respect, I believe this is going to be our finest hour.”

Make this time in OUR history, your finest hour!

Ron Nash
Master Career Strategist
Author, “How to Find Your Dream Job, Even in a Recession”